The Rationality of Sol-Manifolds
Thomas A. Putman
March 30, 2005
be the fundamental group of a manifold modeled on three dimensional Sol geometry. We prove that
has a finite index subgroup
which has a rational growth series with respect to a natural generating set. We do this by enumerating
by a regular language. However, in contrast to most earlier proofs of this sort our regular language is not a language of words in the generating set, but rather reflects a different geometric structure in
1 Introduction
be a group with a finite generating set
. For
, let
be equal to the length of the shortest word in
, and for
. This is known as the word metric on
. The growth of the size of balls in this metric constitutes a central object of study in geometric group theory (see [Ha] , Chapters 6-7 for a survey).
To study the growth of
, it is natural to define the growth series of
to be the power series
. In many cases, it turns out that
is a rational function. The first nontrivial example of this is in [Bo] , where an exercise outlines a proof that all Coxeter groups have rational growth with respect to a Coxeter generating set. Perhaps the most remarkable theorem of this type is in Cannon's paper [Ca] , which proves that all word hyperbolic groups have rational growth with respect to any generating set ([Ca] only proves this for fundamental groups of compact hyperbolic manifolds, but it contains all the ideas necessary for the extension to word hyperbolic groups – see [CDP] for a complete account).
In this paper we study the growth series of the fundamental groups
of torus bundles over the circle with Anosov monodromy. In other words,
a matrix with two distinct real eigenvalues. These are the fundamental groups of 3-manifolds modeled on Sol geometry. Our main theorem is the following.
Theorem 1.1 (Main Theorem)
be the fundamental group of a Sol manifold. Then there exists a finite index subgroup
generated by a finite set
so that
has rational growth with respect to
. In other words,
is virtually rational.
This theorem is part of two different streams of research. On the one hand, there have been many papers investigating the growth series for lattices in Thurston's eight 3-dimensional model geometries (see [Be1] , [Be2] , [Ca] , [NS1] , [Sh1] , [Sh2] , and [We] ). After Theorem 1.1 , the only remaining geometry for which there is not some general theorem is
, although some progress has been made on this case by Shapiro ([Sh2] ).
On the other hand, there has also been significant research on the growth series of finitely generated solvable groups. Kharlampovich has produced a 3-step solvable group which has an unsolvable word problem([Kh] ). Since all groups with rational growth series have a solvable word problem (the rational growth series allows one to calculate the size of balls in the Cayley graph, which one can then construct using a brute force enumeration), it follows that Kharlampovich's example does not have rational growth with respect to any set of generators.
One can therefore hope for general results only for 1 and 2-step solvable groups. The 1-step solvable groups are the finitely generated abelian groups.
Benson has proven that more generally all finitely generated virtually abelian groups have rational growth with respect to any set of generators ([Be1] ). The 2-step solvable groups are divided into the nilpotent and non-nilpotent groups.
A fundamental set of examples of 2-step nilpotent groups are the lattices in Nil geometry. These correspond to groups of the form
a matrix with two different complex eigenvalues, which necessarily must lie on the unit circle. Benson, Shapiro, and Weber ([Be2] , [Sh1] , and [We] ) have shown that lattices in Nil geometry have rational growth with respect to a certain generating set. This has been generalized by Stoll ([Sto] ), who showed that all 2-step nilpotent groups with infinite cyclic derived subgroup have rational growth with respect to some generating set. He also showed that many such groups (those with “Heisenberg rank at least
”) have transcendental growth with respect to some other generating set. This demonstrates that, in contrast to most natural group properties studied by geometric group theorists, rational growth can depend strongly on the choice of generating set.
The non-nilpotent solvable case is divided into the polycyclic and the non-polycyclic cases. A fundamental set of examples of 2-step solvable non-polycyclic groups are the solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups
. Brazil has shown that these have rational growth with respect to the standard set of generators ([Bz] ).
A fundamental set of examples of 2-step solvable polycyclic groups are the torsion-free abelian-by-cyclic groups. These are groups of the form
. Theorem 1.1 combined with the result of Benson, Shapiro, and Weber referred to in the previous paragraph cover the case n=2, with ours being the “generic” case since our eigenvalues do not lie on the unit circle.
The strategy of our proof is as follows. We first show that there is a bijective, “size-preserving” correspondence between elements of our group and elements of a quotient of the ring of integral Laurent polynomials in one variable (where we give a certain natural measure of the “size” of a Laurent polynomial which takes into account both the size of the coefficients and the degree). We then enumerate this ring by a regular language, which by well known results is enough to assure that it has a rational growth series.
Philosophically, the appearance of the theory of regular languages is no accident. In fact, the following theorem demonstrates that at least in a weak sense regular languages are a “universal” method for proving that objects have rational growth.
Theorem 1.2
be a set and
a function (in the language of Section 2.2 ,
is a sized set). Form the generating function
. Assume that there is exactly one element
so that
. Then
is rational if and only if there exists a regular language
and a length preserving bijection
Since this theorem functions as propaganda for our point of view but is not used in our proof, we relegate its proof to an appendix. A psychological obstacle to applying this theorem is that words in a group form a natural language, and hence it is easy to assume that if a regular language enumerates a group then it must be a sublanguage of the natural language. The language we construct is definitely not a sublanguage of the natural language, and in fact we doubt that it is possible to construct such a sublanguage (as evidence, it is known that lattices in Sol are not asynchronously automatic ([Br] )). In fact, Neumann and Shapiro have produced an example of a group which has rational growth with respect to any generating set (in fact, it is virtually abelian), but for which for every generating set there exists no regular language of words in the group which contains a unique geodesic for every group element ([NS2] ). Thus non-standard languages like the one we construct are inevitable in proofs that certain groups have rational growth.
Remark. Though in theory our methods are entirely constructive, in practice the finite state automata we build are so huge that it is impractical to calculate any examples.
History and Comments. In his unpublished thesis ([
), Grayson claimed to prove Theorem 1.1 whenever the trace of the monodromy is even. However, his proof is insufficient (see the remarks in Section 4 for a more detailed discussion).
Our methods are rather different from his methods. He attempts to write down a complicated recurrence relation between balls of different radii. As indicated above, we instead use the theory of finite state automata. We do, however, use some of his ideas. In particular, he introduced the notions of types and heights described Section 4 (though he does not distinguish between the reduced and unreduced types), and the elegant proof of Theorem 4.1 is due to him.
Acknowledgments. I would like to thank my advisor Benson Farb for introducing me to this problem and for offering many corrections to previous versions of this paper. I would also like to thank Chris Hruska for several useful conversations and for helping me to make sense of Grayson's work.
1.1 Outline
In Section 2, we review some preliminary material on Sol manifolds, regular languages, etc. Next, in Section 3 we discuss a technical condition on partitions of regular languages which implies rational growth. This condition, the falsification by fellow traveler property, is inspired by but different from the condition of the same name defined by Neumann-Shapiro in [NS1] . We then discuss a geometric decomposition of our Sol group in Section 4. This geometric decomposition leads to the quotient ring of integral Laurent polynomials described above. In Section 5 we construct a language which enumerates the ring, and we prove that it satisfies the falsification by fellow traveler property. This proves Theorem 1.1 . We then discuss some open questions, and finally prove Theorem 1.2 in the appendix.
2 Preliminaries
2.1 Sol Manifolds
As discussed in [Th] , Sol manifolds are torus bundles over the circle with Anosov monodromy
, that is
has two distinct real eigenvalues. Equivalently,
. Let
be such a matrix, and let
be generators for
. Hence,
are well defined. Abusing notation in the obvious way, we say that the torus bundle with monodromy
is the group with the presentation
Observe that
is a finite index subgroup of
. If
, then
corresponds to the torus bundle with fiber generated by
It is easy to see that
is isomorphic to the torus bundle with monodromy
. We shall prove that
has rational growth with respect to the generating set
Assumption. To simplify our formulas, we will assume that
The other case is completely analogous.
2.2 Sized Sets and Languages
In the course of our proof, we will construct a series of objects whose growth reflects the growth series of
. The “size functions” on these objects come from very different sources. The following formalism provides a language with which to compare these objects.
Definition: A sized set is a set
together with a function
A sized set
has an associated generating function
Definition: Let
be a sized set and
be a partition of
. In other words,
is a set of pairwise disjoint subsets of
so that
We define
to be the sized set whose elements are elements of
and whose size function is
Definition: Let
be sized sets. A bijection
is a sized set isomorphism if there exists some constant
so that for all
we have
Remark. We allow the constant
in the definition because we are really interested in the generating functions for sized sets. Adding a constant to the norm corresponds to multiplying the generating function by some power of
This will simplify our arguments.
Definition: Let
be a finite set, which we will call the alphabet. A language
is a subset of
, the set of finite sequences of elements of
. Elements of
are called words.
Languages can be considered sized sets in the following way. Let
be a language over
. Consider some
, which we will call the weighting. For
, define
Example: Let
be a group with a finite set of generators
. Let
be the language of all words in
with weighting
for each generator. Finally, let
be the partition which identifies two words if they represent the same element in
. The series
is then the usual growth series for
2.3 Regular Languages
We quickly review the theory of finite state automata and regular languages.
For more details see, e.g., [ECHLPT] , Chapter 1.
Definition: A finite state automata on
strings is a 5-tuple
a finite set (called the alphabet),
a finite directed graph (called the state graph),
(called the start state),
(called the final states), and
some symbol disjoint from
is called the transition label; “
” is a symbol for the end of a word) satisfying the following condition : if
with the
in the
place, then
also has a
in the
place for all edges
so that there is a finite (oriented) path
Definition: Let
be a finite state automata on
We define the language
to be the following. Consider any element
. Assume that the longest word in this tuple has
letters. For
to be the
letter of
is at most the length of
otherwise. Then
if and only if there is some path
so that for
we have
We say that
is a regular language.
Remark. Observe that we are abusing the word “language” in this definition:
only the case
is an actual language. Higher
correspond to
-tuples of words in a language.
Remark. One should think of this as a machine able to keep track of a finite amount of information.
The following theorem demonstrates the flexibility of regular languages.
Theorem 2.1
, Corollary 1.4.7) The class of regular languages is closed under all first order predicates (i.e.
, and
We will also need the following theorem.
Theorem 2.2
be a finite state automata on one string and let
be a weighting. Then the generating function
with the language
weighted by
is a rational function.
Proof: It is a standard fact (see, for instance, [
, Theorem 9.1) that
is rational if
is the constant function
. To deduce the general case from this, replace each edge
by a path of length
with each edge in the path labeled by
Remark. When we refer to a regular language without specifying how many strings it has, we are referring to a regular language on one string.
3 Partitioning Regular Languages
Fix a regular language
with weighting
. Consider a partition
By Theorem 2.2 , we know that
has a rational generating function. In this section we give a sufficient condition for
(see Section 2.2 for the definition of
) to have a rational generating function. Our condition, the falsification by fellow traveler property, allows us to construct a regular sublanguage of
with exactly one word of minimal length in each set of
. It is inspired by the property of the same name in [NS1] .
Definition: We say that
has a regular minimal cross section if there is some subset
so that
is regular and
contains exactly one representative of minimal size for each set in
Definition: We say that our partition
is a semi-regular partition if there is a finite set of regular languages
(called the partial acceptors) so that
Definition: We say that a semi-regular partition
with partial acceptors
has the falsification by fellow traveler property if there is some constant
and some regular sublanguage
containing at least one minimal representative of each set in the partition so that if
is not a minimal representative in
then there is some word
so that the following are true.
for some
(and in particular
For any
, let
be initial segments of
of length
, respectively. Then
(we say that
-fellow travel with respect to
We also require that if
are both minimal representatives of the same element of
then there is some
so that
Remark. We need this slightly clumsy definition of
-fellow traveling because (as will become clear later) to get things to “line up” while testing for equality we will have to first read a few letters from one word before starting to read the second.
Lemma 3.1
be a semi-regular partition with partial acceptors
of a regular language
and let
be any number. Fix some
. Then the following language is regular.
| |
| |
Proof: Observe that
is the intersection of
and the language
| |
| |
By Theorem 2.1 it is thus enough to show that
is regular.
is accepted by a finite state automata which has “memory” to store
letters in the alphabet, which are initially set to some dummy letter which we think of having size
, plus one additional integer (called the “difference”) bounded by
. We read
in from left to right. We place the letter from
into the end of our queue and remove the first letter from it. We then subtract the size of the letter from the queue from the size of the letter from
, and add the result to the difference. If the absolute value of the difference ever exceeds
, then we fail. Otherwise, we accept the pair of words if after reading both words the difference is positive, and we reject it if the difference is nonpositive.
Theorem 3.2
be a semi-regular partition with partial acceptors
of a regular language
so that
has the falsification by fellow traveler property.
has a regular minimal cross section.
Proof: Let
be the regular sublanguage of
be the constant given by the definition of the falsification by fellow traveler property. By Lemma 3.1
| |
| |
is a regular language for each
. Hence by Theorem 2.1
| |
| |
is a regular language. This language is composed of minimal representatives in
. It contains at least one representative of each element. By a remark on page 57 of [
, the language
| |
is regular (see page 56 of [
for the definition of the short-lex ordering.
For our purposes its only important property is that it is a total ordering on the set of words). By Theorem 2.1 the language
| |
is a regular language. We conclude from Theorem 2.1 that
| |
is regular. By the definition of the falsification by fellow traveler property,
contains a unique representative of minimal length for each element of
; i.e. it is a regular minimal cross section of
Theorem 2.2 thus implies the following.
Corollary 3.3
be a semi-regular partition of a regular language
so that
has the falsification by fellow traveler property. Then
has rational growth.
4 Types and Heights
Fix a torus bundle
with monodromy
. Recall that we are examining the finite index subgroup
4.1 Definitions
Consider a word
in the generators of
. By conjugating all the
's to the right, we see that
is equal in the free group on
to a word of the following form.
We call
the height of
, which we will henceforth denote
. Since (continuing our earlier abuse of notation) conjugation by
acts upon
by multiplication by
, each term
is equal to
. We denote by
the expression
which is obtained by collecting together equal powers of
. Here the
are integers. Abusing notation, we regard this as a formal Laurent polynomial with coefficients
and “variable”
. We call this polynomial the unreduced type of
. Let
the vector obtained by replacing
by the monodromy matrix and
by the vector
. We call this the reduced type of
Geometrically, we have decomposed
into a stack of copies of
. The height of an element is layer it sits in. The reduced type of an element is the projection from that element to the height
layer. Observe that
are equal in
if and only if
, but there definitely exist words which are equal in
but have different unreduced types.
4.2 Appearance of Types
We now determine the length of the shortest word with a specified unreduced type and height.
Theorem 4.1
non-zero be an unreduced type and let
be a height. Then the shortest word with this unreduced type and level has length
Figure 1
shortens to

Proof: Without loss of generality assume
. Consider any word
with the desired height and unreduced type. We first demonstrate that
is equal in
to a word of the desired length. Consider the following path in
. Start at
. As
is read from left to right, go one unit up for each
, one unit down for each
, and one unit to the right for each
. This path ends at the point
. See Figure 1 .
Going from
upon reading
is equivalent to adding
to the unreduced type. Hence we may commute conjugates of
around so that the terms of the unreduced type occur from the smallest power of
to the largest. See Figure 1 .
Observe that the resulting word has the desired length : the x-coordinate of the path moves
units, and the y-coordinate first goes down
units, then up
units, then up
units, then up
, and finally down
units. Since any word yielding the desired unreduced type and height must correspond to a similar path, the indicated length is minimal.
Remark. The minimal-length word with a specified height and unreduced type need not be unique.
Remark. After proving a version of Theorem 4.1 , Grayson attempts to set up a complicated system of recurrence relations between various subsets of the group. He expresses the growth function as a power series whose coefficients are themselves power series. He demonstrates that there is a sort of linear recurrence relation between these (power series) coefficients. He then claims that this is enough to prove that the growth series is rational. However, absent a proof that (say) the first coefficient is in fact a rational function this is insufficient.
. Since
is Anosov, it has two distinct real eigenvalues.
be the eigenvalues with eigenvectors
. Let
be such that
Theorem 4.2
be words in the generators of
(note that we have made our ranges of summation equal by inserting appropriate zero coefficients). Then
if and only if
divides the Laurent polynomial
Proof: Observe that with respect to the basis
we have
is a
matrix with irrational eigenvalues,
have the same minimal polynomial as
; i.e.
, whence the theorem.
Consider the set
Define a size function on
Define a partition
by the following equivalence relation.
We can now state the following important corollary to the above calculations.
Corollary 4.3
is isomorphic to
as a sized set.
Remark. Recall that the definition of size isomorphism we are using allows size functions to differ by a constant. The extra “
” in the size function on
will simplify the arguments below.
5 The Language
By Corollary 3.3 , to prove Theorem 1.1 it is enough to produce a regular language
with a semi-regular partition
with the falsification by fellow traveler property so that
is isomorphic to
. We first prove a number of finiteness results about
, then we define our language
, and finally we define our partition
and show that it has the necessary properties.
5.1 Finiteness Lemmas
We first prove two lemmas which allow us to bound the coefficients in
we need to enumerate and to bound the information we need to keep track of to compare elements of
. This is necessary to apply the theory of finite state automata. Recall our standing assumption that
Lemma 5.1
be a word in the generators of
of minimal length. Then the unreduced type of
has coefficients
Proof: Assume that
has minimal length and that
Theorem 4.2 tells us that we can, for each
, add or subtract
without changing the group element represented by
. Now, if
, add or subtract
in such a way as to decrease
. Examining the above formula for the length of an element representing an unreduced type, we see that we have subtracted
from the length of our representative and added at most
to its length.
, we conclude that
did not have minimal length, a contradiction.
Lemma 5.2
For every integer
, there exists some integer
so that the following holds. For
. Assume that
. Then the coefficients of
are bounded by
Proof: Since
, the largest coefficient which is left when we expand out
is at least as large as the largest coefficient of
. Hence we may set
5.2 The Language
Fix a natural number
. Let
be an alphabet with weighting
Consider the language
whose words are of the following form :
We require that there be at least one letter of the form
in each word, and that the second entry in all the middle terms of a word have the same sign.
This language is clearly regular. Define a map
| |
| |
where the sign of the first term is the same as the sign of the second part of all the middle terms. This is clearly a size-preserving injection from
Hence the partition
induces a partition
. Lemma 5.1 implies that for
the induced map
is an isomorphism.
5.3 The Partial Acceptors
Fix an integer
. Define a language
| |
| |
Theorem 5.3
is a regular language.
Proof: We build an automata accepting
. Without loss of generality
. We imitate the usual polynomial long division algorithm to divide the difference between the Laurent polynomials determined by
be the constant from Lemma 5.2 . Our automata will keep track of
items (each an element of
) plus an additional 2 numbers of size bounded by
. The
pieces of memory will keep track of elements read from the second tape, and will be initialized to
. The other 2 numbers will be referred to as the “correction terms”, and will be initialized to 0.
We read the two tapes from left to right. At each step, we get two elements
. Place the
at the end of our
pieces of memory and remove the element
from the beginning. Let
be the first “correction term”. The next coefficient of the quotient is then
. If this is larger than
, then we fail. Otherwise, we shift the other correction term to the first position and add
to it and place
in the second correction slot. We succeed if we get to the end of the words and our “correction terms” are both equal to zero (hence zero remainder) and the “middle terms” of our two strings line up (in other words, the heights are equal).
-Fellow Traveler Property
Theorem 1.1 now follows from Corollary 3.3 and the following theorem.
Again recall our standing assumption that
Theorem 5.4
For sufficiently large
, and
we have that
is a semiregular partition with partial acceptors
with the
-fellow traveler property.
Proof: By Lemma 5.1 , the sublanguage
contains at least one minimal-length representative of each class in the partition. Consider any word
. We need to pick
, and
large enough so that the following two things are true.
is of minimal length, then for any other
of minimal length we have that
for some
is not of minimal length, then there is some
so that
for some
, and
-fellow travel with respect to
We will need two lemmas. During the proofs of these lemmas we will need the following notation/technique. Let
be two words which represent the same element in
, and let
Arrange the coefficients in a table such as Table 1. The bottom row is equal to the top row plus the middle rows. We will often speak of modifying the middle rows. This corresponds to changing the difference between
The new
we get by adding our new middle rows to the top row will represent a different element which is equal to
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
Table 1
: The top and bottom rows list the coefficients of the types of two elements of
which are equivalent mod
. The difference between these types is divisible by
. Each middle row corresponds to one coefficient of the quotient. Hence the bottom row is equal to the top row plus the middle rows.
Lemma 5.5
be so that
and let
, and
be associated to
as above. Assume that
. Then there is some
so that
for some
Proof: We will assume that
; the other case has a similar proof.
Arrange the coefficients as in Table 1. Observe that in this case we have at least the first
coefficients on the bottom row equal to zero. Remove all but the first
“center” terms
. This changes
to another word in the same equivalence class. Observe that the first
terms on the bottom are equal to zero, the next term differs from the corresponding
term by at most
, the next term differs from the corresponding
term by at most
, and the rest are identical to the
terms. Changing the first
terms to zero decreases the size of
by at least
. The changes in the next two terms increase it by at most
. Hence we have
. The other claims about
are clear.
Lemma 5.6
be so that
for some
and let
, and
be associated to
as above. Then there exists some
so that
for some
-fellow travel with respect to
Proof: We will assume without loss of generality that
Assume that
do not
-fellow travel. There are two cases.
We again will assume that
. First, assume that there is some subword
and corresponding subword
so that
Assume that these are the largest such subwords, and that
has length (not norm) equal to
. We again make use of Table 1. Remove the first
of the
terms. This modifies
so that the first
terms are now equal to the
's, the next term is changed by at most
, the next by at most
, and the rest are left unchanged. It is clear that we still have
, but now we have for all corresponding initial segments
This reduces us to the next case.
In this case we have some initial segment
and corresponding initial segment
so that
Let these be the first such segments. Assume that the length of
Referring again to Table 1, throw away all
. It is easy to see that the resulting
has the desired properties. This completes the proof.
We can now prove the two items indicated above. Set
, and
. Claim 1 is an immediate corollary of Lemma 5.5 ; if
are not read by an appropriate
then they are not minimal. To prove claim 2, let
be some non-minimal representative in
, and let
be a minimal representative. Lemma 5.5 allows us to modify
so that
are read by an appropriate
. Finally, Lemma 5.6 allows us to modify
so that it
-fellow travels with
, as desired.
6 Some Questions
As we remarked in the introduction, using the methods of this paper to actually compute growth series would be a long and unpleasant task. However, sometimes the growth series of groups are not only rational but also display interesting arithmetic and combinatorial patterns (see, for instance, [FP] ). The following therefore might be an interesting combinatorial problem.
Question 1: Explicitly compute the growth series of some Sol groups, for instance the group with monodromy
The 3-dimensional Sol groups are the fundamental groups of 2 dimensional torus bundles over a circle whose monodromy has has no eigenvalues on the unit circle. By considering
dimensional torus bundles over a circle with the same restriction on the monodromy, we get the
-dimensional Sol groups.
It seems difficult to generalize our methods to these groups. This suggests the following question.
Question 2: Do the higher-dimensional Sol groups have rational growth functions?
The fact that we were only able to find a finite index subgroup with rational growth suggests the following question.
Question 3: Does there exist any group
which has irrational growth with respect to all sets of generators but which contains a finite index subgroup
which has rational growth with respect to some set of generators?
The following more general question also seems interesting.
Question 4: Consider the property of having rational growth with respect to some set of generators. How does this property behave under commensuration?
under quasi-isometry?
Remark. Observe that
are quasi-isometric, and hence the fundamental groups of manifolds modeled on these geometries are quasi-isometric.
An easy consequence of Cannon's work (see [
) is that the fundamental groups of manifolds modeled on
are rational with respect to any generating set.
The work of Shapiro suggests that this is probably false for manifolds modeled on
(see [
), so the property of being rational with respect to all generating sets is likely not well-behaved under quasi-isometry. The question of whether the fundamental group of any
-manifold has rational growth with respect to some generating set is still open.
Finally, Theorem 1.2 suggests that in some sense finite state automata should be a “universal” method for detecting rational generating functions. However, the regular language in our proof does not consist of words in the generators of the group, but rather reflects another structure. Neumann and Shapiro have produced virtually abelian groups so that for every generating set there exists no regular language of words in the group containing a unique geodesic for every group element ([NS2] ). However, Benson proved that virtually abelian groups have rational growth with respect to any set of generators ([Be1] ). This suggests that like in the case of Sol groups there must be another structure which guarantees rationality. The following would be very interesting.
Question 5: For a virtually abelian group
, find a regular language
which is isomorphic to
as a sized set.
7 Appendix : Proof of Theorem 1.2
The reverse implication is [CDP] , Theorem 9.1. We now prove the forward implication. We will use the following classical characterization of rational generating functions; see, e.g., [Sta] , Theorem 4.1.1.
Theorem 7.1
be a rational function. There then exists some natural number
and constants
so that for
we have
. By assumption
is rational, and our goal is to produce a regular language
so that
be the constants given by Theorem 7.1 . Let
be the following alphabet.
Finally, let
be the following language. Each word begins with
of the
for some fixed
. After that, it is composed of any combination of the
with the restriction that the letter
must occur in blocks of size
. For instance, the letter
must occur in blocks of the form
. This language is clearly regular, and an easy induction demonstrates that it has the desired generating function.
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